Hello friend, I’m Tara — also known as “Terrible Tara” or “Terrific Tara” depending on the moment. I’m pretty sure my sisters are responsible for those nicknames, especially that first one (I forgive you sisters!). Welcome to my little spot of the internet. I’m so honored you’re here.

I’ve been married to “my man Dan” for 40 years. We’re parents to five terrific adults (our youngest turned 21 this year!) and one lovably anxious dog. I’m also known as Grammy to some very special little ones — which just might be my favorite title of all time. These are my people whom I love fiercely, struggle with fiercely, and learn from daily.

I was born in Chicago, then raised on a small hobby farm in northern Illinois. Baling hay, feeding the chickens, horses, and cows, milking Dolly the goat, and occasionally assisting a distressed mama pig deliver her piglets were all part of the sweet rhythm of our country life. It was an honest, demanding, idyllic sort of living. On the evening of our wedding day, when Dan and I drove away from the family farm, I instinctively knew the last page was turning on this precious chapter of my story. The floodwater of tears quickly initiated my bewildered husband into married life on that first drive into the sunset as man and weepy wife.

Minnesota was our destination, the land of you betcha, hot dish, and 10,000 lakes. Here we placed our stake in the ground and grew through the years into a family of seven. I went from delivering squealing pigs to delivering babies as a labor and delivery nurse, until I gave birth myself (trying my hardest not to squeal!) to our eldest son. Life has been wondrous and good — and hard and challenging. It really is a sweet mystery!

Being in a position now where I can look back with perspective on decades of living, I’ve noticed there are valleys in life that we all must walk. I may not have experienced your particular brand of ‘hard’, but I’ve known heart ache and some pretty deep pits of despair — seasons of valley walking. There’s no shame in this, it is the human experience, common ground for us all. It allows us to empathize and cultivate compassion for each other. Together, we can ease each other’s burdens. This is the good that comes from the hard...the silver lining of suffering. We are better together!

Along this journey, writing has become a balm to my hurting heart, a way to process my grief, and a way to connect with the world — with you. My greatest hope in creating this site, is that you, dear reader, will come away feeling ever so slightly — or greatly — encouraged. Feeling less alone in your journey. That thought makes me smile.

Lastly, and firstly, I love Jesus. Themes of faith will inevitably arise in my writing. He is the One who has walked with me through every valley and mountaintop. The Bright Morning Star whose light shines most brightly in the dark moments of life. He’s the only Way I have found to navigate this earthly existence. Scripture tells us that all things are from Him, through Him, and to Him...may even this little slice of the blogging world bring glory to our Heavenly Father’s name.

So cheers to us — put your feet up, pour yourself another cuppa, and let’s have some fun!

💕 Tara

The Clark Family 

The Clark Family