An Angel, a Prayer, and the New Year

Funny the way grief can sneak up on a person. Like a mischievous child hiding in wait to pop out and scare an unsuspecting sibling, so too grief often remains latent in our psyche, only to surface in times and ways that are unexpected. The subsequent emotional upheaval revealing the deeply personal, internal work still to be accomplished.

Years ago I bought a Christmas ornament for my son during a dark and destructive period in his substance use. The ornament was a beautiful angel with a prayer engraved on her flowing robes.

 God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

Fitting words that echoed my heart’s prayer for my son. He wouldn’t be home for Christmas that year, but still, this annual selecting of the just-right ornament was our family tradition. I was holding onto the hope that someday he would be well. Eventually, when that day came, I wanted him to know how loved and remembered he was, even in the depths of his disease.

Fast forward several years, here’s where sneaky grief enters the story. As I happily unwrapped and placed this angel on our Christmas tree, I inexplicably found myself overflowing in tears. What should have been tears of joy, for my son had achieved over two years of sobriety at this point, was instead an overwhelming sense of sadness at the reminder of that heartbreaking period in the life of our family. Feeling grief over the seemingly lost years with my son, I read these words on the ornament with new eyes and realized the angel and her prayer were also for me.

They are for us.


Serenity. Courage. Wisdom.

For some the new year ahead looks daunting and dismal. With so many devastating losses and changes experienced this past year, feelings of trepidation over the unknown future are not uncommon. Others are ready to slam the door shut on the overwhelming challenges of 2020. Ready for a new start, let the reboot begin!

Whichever camp you find yourself in, fear or anticipation, the message of this prayer is for us today. Together we can courageously walk into 2021 knowing it is God who goes before us and is with us. With God for us, what or who can be against us (Rom. 8:31)? With our eyes on Jesus — His Spirit and Word will guide our steps, our conversations, our emotions. (Are you a step counter? Well, Jesus is with you for every single one!) He will supply all that we need to accomplish the work that is ahead. From the overflow of His love, we can love and even keep space for those who have wounded us deeply. To forgive, and love well, as we enter the new year.

In the storms ahead (and there will be storms, my friends), be encouraged in the knowing that God’s peace is available to us — at all times. He tells us to bring our worries and concerns to Him, to ask for His help. And then He promises that His peace will stand guard over our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7). Is it possible to even comprehend this? When the stress and strains of life explode with nuclear-strength force — Jesus is our fall-out shelter. Our refuge. Our serenity.

Above all, lean in tight and listen closely for the Lord’s voice. His counsel is wise and good…

Fear not child, I am with you. Do not be discouraged. Find hope in Me, the anchor of your soul. For in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world, in Me you will find peace. When life seems too hard, remember, My mercies are new every morning...look for them, look for Me. Rejoice in My everlasting love.


Dear friends — in Jesus, it’s possible to have a Happy New Year. Even more, I wish you a Faith-Filled, Joy-Radiating, Love-Overflowing New Year — a year marked by ever growing serenity, courage, and wisdom.

✨ Happy New Year! ✨


When the World’s On Fire


On Being Merry and Bright