Could It Be True?

War-torn countries, the sad exodus of refugees, women and young girls traumatized by extremist ideologies, pandemic fears, heroes lost to us in faraway lands. We find ourselves, once again, living in uncertain times. Truth be told, time has always been infused with uncertainty. Only now, with technology in our hands, the human tragedies of life unfold before our eyes. No ignoring of this suffering. Hearts swelling in sorrow, we grieve—confronted with our own helplessness, we cry out for help. Joining our ancestors before us in this rhythm of faith, we look to and acknowledge One who is bigger than all we can know—falling on our knees, we pray.

Some mock. Many doubt. But—what if it's true? 

What if prayer really is the God-given means to connect with the Creator of the Universe? A sacred invitation to commune with the Holy One. Author of countless destinies, who hung the stars in the sky and named each one—He hears every prayer softly spoken into the solitude of quiet moments. As we experience and observe the events of these troubling days, silent and corporate prayers echo together on behalf of the suffering. He hears each one.

What if it’s true? That Heaven is weeping too. That God is grieving with us, moved by the cries of His people. Answering in ways that we cannot fathom or will ever know. Millions of people crying out for the hurting—and Jesus too, who continually prays on our behalf.

What if it's true? That from those prayers, actions will follow. What if prayer is the impetus; the catalyst that ignites our hearts to love and serve others in ever more humble, creative, and practical ways? What if the very act of praying—and then caring—and then loving each other across this biosphere, IS the answer? We, and our actions, are the answer. Imagine a Holy-Spirit-driven-love-force generating ever expanding circles of generosity and compassion—beginning with us. Viewing one another through eyes of compassion and kindness. Interacting in new and surprisingly beautiful ways. Welcoming each other, even strangers from a foreign land, in the name and through the love of Jesus.

Could it be true?
Maybe, just maybe, it is true. 💕


Make your life a prayer.
‭‭1 Thess.‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭TPT‬‬

For when you saw me hungry, you fed me. When you found me thirsty, you gave me drink. When I had no place to stay, you invited me in, and when I was poorly clothed, you covered me. When I was sick, you tenderly cared for me, and when I was in prison you visited me. Matthew‬ ‭25:35-36‬ ‭TPT‬‬



