Farm Girl


living on the family farm. Not a care beyond milking Dolly the goat and her upcoming graduation
from high school. No clue what the future would hold. It’s a blessing that crystal balls and foreknowledge are the stuff of fiction, she might have locked herself in the barn, never to leave.


This is life, is it not? Beautiful Uncertain Glorious Unknown Wondrous Sometimes scary
Often hard


Fear was not in the mind of that girl 40 years ago. Fear is unnecessary today. We learn. We grow.
Stepping forward,
into the unknown. Confronting our fear with knowledge, that life events can be
hard and also for our good.
We endure, together.


But when the waves of adversity come too fast. Too strong. Too high. Is there rest for the weary in heart?
Shelter from the storms of life?
Hope when all seems lost?
When we cry,
“Lord, have you forgotten?”
Is there an answer?


Dear Farm Girl,

Amazing days of joy are ahead,
and breaking days of sorrow.
Whether sun-kissed, breezy moments filled with laughter,
or dark nights of weeping;
each season will be a gift
drawing your gaze to the Savior
in unique ways.
And He is with you always,
this Immanuel.
In the darkest moments
He holds you close.
Lean into His strong embrace,
into His love,
into His arms of grace.
He’s got you, Farm Girl.
Trust Him. Love Him.
Love others, even when it hurts— and forgive.
At the end of the day,
don’t be afraid.
Everything will be okay. 💕


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭NASB


A Daddy and His Daughter


Pausing to Remember