Here in Our Mess

We were sitting in church, my husband and I, when we looked at each other, “I’m not crying, you’re crying.” We smiled. In truth, we both were teary. Moved by the lyrics of this song…

But this This is what I know I’d rather live with hope than a life that’s all alone It’s hard to miss You’re in the midst Your presence is the comfort in the middle of the mess. (Eagle Brook Music)


Some of you are walking through a week filled with so. much. mess. I’m writing this to you. So that you can know. And rest in the knowing. That in the deepest, darkest, messiest moments of life— our Lord is present. His presence makes all the difference. Nothing in your life is scary to Him. You are never too much for Him. He sees all the ugly, hard bits and says—

“Come to me, you weary ones—I will give you rest. You’re not alone.”

“My love for you is everlasting. I’m carrying you, close to My heart—through these deep waters.”

“I will never leave or forsake you. I’m with you for the long haul.”

“Trust in Me. Let My light guide you out of this darkness.”


Lean in. Soak in these realities—and find hope. He’s here, friend— right here in our midst. Mess and all.

💕 Tara


Silver Linings


Monday Morning