Loving Deeply

Grief and love. Two chambers of the human heart that beat in unison, bringing heights of sweetest joy and deepest wells of sorrow.

If given the option, would we forfeit love to escape the agony of grief?

Does not every tear shed, every quaking moment of heartbreak, also find its lift and life and purpose in love?

Memories flow— of precious tender joy-filled radiant sweet, pleasure-soaked days. Even the hard and challenging. But always— always seeking to remember those so dear to us. Memories, melding loved ones to our very being forever part of us.

So we love, and we sorrow. Arms open wide to embrace through laughter and so many tears all that the heart gives. 🌹

This is written for all who are grieving on this Bereaved Mother’s Day. Men too. For those who have never held the child they dreamed and hoped for in their arms; and those who have loved and held closely a child…a parent…a friend…only to say good-bye. You are seen. Your grief is seen. You are loved. You are not alone.

With so much love, Tara 🌹


The Loudest Love


Silver Linings