Sparking Love


“I always thought I ain’t going to be nothing than a crook, ain’t going to be nothing but a gang banger — but with Tia she sees that I’ve got a little bit more to offer the world than just all negative.” (Pit Bulls and Parolees)


All it takes is a glimmer. A glimmer of a thought — that leads to a spark. A spark of belief.

The belief that maybe there is something more to our lives.  That we’re not defined by past failures. More worthy than we thought possible. Esteemed. Loved. Valued.

Could it be that a simple expression of encouragement can unlock this power of possibility — the key to human connection?  A moment of eye contact.  A smile.  A kind word or gesture.  To be acknowledged.

The stranger we pass in the subway,  the cashier at the gas station, the homeless man on the corner, our coworker, family member, neighbor. I see you — I appreciate you.

More than a place holder in the sea of humanity. You belong. You contribute.  You are the beautiful, unique, just-right piece in our mosaic. You are us.

Speak it. Spark it.  Light the fuse of inspiration, of love.

A well-timed phrase infused with the ebullience of love is a catalyst with amazing potential. When accepted and affirmed, even while clothed in failure and frailty, the human spirit can soar. Oh the possibilities. So much power for good is held on the tips of our tongues. And the tips of our fingers as well, the gift of human touch is essential for all. Even more crucial in this pandemic year, our need for connection.

We can do it — unleash a wave of love.  Across our nation, the world even. It can happen — right here, in the space where we each exist. Cast the first word of encouragement, and watch the ripples begin.

Prepare yourself for the boomerang effect. As you love, your capacity to love and experience love will increase. As you smile at the world, your heart will fill with joy. As you encourage those around you, your sense of belonging and purpose will grow more deeply defined. You’ll experience more moments of sheer happiness, even in the midst of the hard. The transformation begins within each of our own hearts and minds. 

It only takes a glimmer of a thought...


We love because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19


These Extraordinary Days


Healing Touch