The Wedding

Two weeks prior to their wedding day, our daughter and her fiancé called to give us the happy news that they would be getting married on Feb. 2. Say what??? 😳 They were hoping for Feb. 22 (2/22/22), but that date was taken. This would have given us a leisurely four weeks to plan their wedding. :):) Alas, there was one spot open on the 2nd, so 2/2/22 it was…and is!

The day was perfect in every way, even with 10 inches of schloppy Chicago snow arriving uninvited. I had never experienced a wedding ceremony conducted by a judge via Zoom before. It was beautiful….and brief. All was done within 10 minutes (no fidgeting in a pew during this ceremony!). Nine of us were present to witness their vows and to celebrate their union. It was intimate, relaxed, and beautiful. The room felt aglow with their love for each other and the deep love of their family for this special couple.

Judge Wilson was kind and so welcoming. I thought a Chicago judge might be impersonal and all about the legal stuff. But he took the time to encourage them—to ponder the meaning of their vows and the lifelong commitment they were making to each other. And he chuckled with them.

As the ceremony came to a close, Judge Wilson shared these words, ”may you both go through life loving, trusting, and most importantly enjoying each other; having both solemnly promised to love, honor, comfort, and cherish each other for as long as you both shall live.” Amen, and amen.


Haleigh and Michael, may your marriage be the sweet reflection of our Heavenly Father’s love for you both. May you find yourselves most at home when in each other’s arms. And when those inevitable hard moments arrive — hurt feelings, when patience is in short supply, or you can’t believe they said or did that thing, remember this oh so special day and all the reasons you love each other.


…that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 15:6


Our Sons


A New Dawn