Waiting for the Lord


I saw an eagle soaring today. As I paused and leaned into the beauty of that moment, the words of the prophet Isaiah whispered in my mind, ”Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk, and not faint.“ Isaiah‬ ‭40:30‬-31 ‭

Watching that eagle glide, I marveled at the invitation. Yet every day in countless ways I choose the lowly path. I question, I doubt, I grumble, I worry—and in those moments I'm completely bound to this world. Wings clipped, I flounder.

But then there's God and His amazing, perfect-in-every-way, lovely promises. His truth that brings life and lift to a weary heart. His manual for flight.


Come child...

~ I know you. You are not an afterthought, not a mistake. Every intricate part of your being was planned and fashioned by My hand. I am the creator of known and unknown galaxies, myriad intricate forms of life—and you. I see you, I know you, and declare that what I have made is good.

~ I love you. Remember this when you feel alone, misunderstood, abandoned—unlovable. You are loved in this moment, the next, and the one after that. To infinity and beyond, My love for you is everlasting.

~ Wait for Me. I know stuff that you don’t know! I have plans for your future that will bring you such great hope and possibility. Wait for it. Be patient when the way seems murky and just plain hard (ahem, year 2020!). If you could see in any given moment, the multitude of ways that I am working on your behalf, for your good, you would be dazzled. Trust in the process. Trust in My guiding hand. Trust in Me.

~ Rest in My strength, I have enough for us both (and the world, even). Whether you’re experiencing an exhilarating moment of invincibility or a day filled with brokenness, I carry you close to My heart—always. Lean into My embrace where you will find strength for today and courage to face tomorrow.

~ Follow Me. This baby that you celebrate at Christmastime—He is the Promised One, My beloved Son—Jesus! I sent Him to show you My Way, to embody My Truth, to give you true and abundant Life. Believe in Him and receive My gift of forgiveness. Closely keep your eyes on Him and learn from His teachings. He will guide you through this life—and beyond.


Dear friend, are you struggling in these difficult days? You are not alone, so many of us are. Rest today in God’s strength. Allow His peace to hold you aloft. And like the beautiful eagle I saw this morning—you will soar.


On Being Merry and Bright


Holding on Together