Watchmen on the Walls

On this Sabbath day filled with sorrow, we who live ‘south of the river’ in Minnesota are grieving. Really this describes all of us for we all care. In the still of night as we lay sleeping tragic events played out. Three heroes— lost to us, lost to this world. Tonight, let’s pray for the Peace Keepers of our communities, for their protection. We lay our heads down, dreaming dreams without fear. We close our eyes in confidence, oblivious to harm— for brave Watchmen on the Walls are at their posts, ever vigilant. And when the dawn breaks we rise again. Stretching arms wide we breathe in the promise of a new day, trusting in God’s mercies that begin anew every morning. Sweet…precious…hard…life, may we treasure the costly gift of each moment.

RIP Paul Elmstrand, Matthew Ruge, and Adam Finseth. Thank you for your courage, for showing us how to live and die with honor. Thank you for the peace we walk in every day and sleep in at night.


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13


For the Hard Day

