We Say Your Names

One bullet—

to take a life.

~ While sleeping on a road trip,

all at peace,

dreaming the dreams

of the innocent.

~ Jumping on a trampoline,

the sweet celebration of loved ones,

birthday happiness.

~ Eating an on-the-go meal

in the back seat of the family car,

giggling at the silly face mama is

making in the mirror.

Dreaming, playing, laughing.

Joy silenced forever.

One bullet.


If it’s true

that society is measured

by how it cherishes,



its fragile,



and young—

what does it say when

harm is experienced

on our watch?


Oh, but that burning summer of 2020,

consumed in emotion,

grief from the incomprehensible.

The visual assault upon our hearts

watching a man take his last breath,

knee upon the neck.

Collectively we cry.

Brothers and sisters,

groaning under the weight of that knee,

under the weight of injustice.


All too often,

the pendulum swings wide

in response.

Burning hatred, revenge, destruction

trailing in its wake,

we rage against the machine.




But at what cost?

Who is left to protect our innocents?


One bullet—

to take a life.

~ Ladavionne Garrett Jr., age ten,

still in a coma.

~ Trinity Ottoson-Smith, age nine.

~ Aniya Allen, age six.

Rest In peace sweet angels.

We say your names.


Then Jesus wept.


The Truth Will Set You Free


Thoughts on Grace