While the World Watched

We knew, didn’t we?
The world knew what would emerge when the dust of destruction settled. Brutality’s mark laid bare for all to see. We suspected, hoped it wasn’t true, but with the curtain drawn back from the city of Bucha—we now know. The nature of man again revealed, reconfirmed, not even refined a small bit through the passing of ages. Absolute raw brutality, ravenous discontent, a thirst for more—always more.

When the Iron Giant set its sights upon the ‘Borderland’ country called Ukraine, terror reigned. And terror has rained down—for 6 long weeks, while the world watched. No cherishing of human life. Or any form of life. Decimation of the land of sunflowers and all that call it home. The seeds of hope for humanity buried deep under the weight of broken, lifeless bodies filling trenches become graves—trampled with the man lying in the street alongside his bicycle. 

We knew, and now we cannot deny what we know. The images will not let us. The city of Bucha this week, there will be more heinous discoveries as the war continues.

Evil does not stop—it must be stopped. 


I cannot imagine what the Ukrainian people are experiencing. The devastating loss of so much, so swiftly. But evil does not win the day. Even in the face of horrific destruction and loss of life—there is Hope. Hope that sits with us in our sorrow, feels every tear that is shed, and walks with us through the valley. We are never alone.

Heavenly Father—may every displaced, hurting individual find rest in your presence. Please protect, strengthen, comfort. Bring peace to a world in desperate need. May your love overwhelm the forces of hatred.

We need you, Lord. Ukraine needs you.


Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Finding Joy


Our Sons