40 Years of Blessing

Celebrating the blessing of God over four decades of marriage. His faithfulness has been everything. If I’m honest, though, these years have not all been easy, filled with laughter and happiness. I want to be real with you. The blessings have been good…and hard.

I was 20 years old, Dan was 23. Babies, don’t you think? So young, in many ways clueless. We married, and then grew up together. But this part we got right, our commitment to God came first. A vow to Him— that in sickness and in health for better or for worse we would cherish the Father by remaining true to each other. We sought to model the love of our Lord. And when the hard times arrived in full force, this foundation held firm— because the Father was holding us firm.

When two reactive personalities come together—reactions do happen. Combustions occur—sometimes in amazing, fun ways. But also in conflict. Year 3–I wrote a letter expressing extreme discontentment, wanting to be done with this marriage. But I wasn’t done. Nor was Dan. A spiritual purpose was holding us together. All of year 7 felt hard— miscarriage and loss and tears and sorrow. With this testing, and the more difficult ones that would follow— we learned to lean into each other, lean into the Father—not away. We learned to trust to forgive to encourage to love each other in ever more humble and sacrificial ways. To be kind. We discovered we were friends walking this journey of life together. I found my person—Dan. And I found my Savior—Jesus.

Today, my heart is filled with gratitude for these 40 years of marriage. They have been a sweet space to grow—individually and as a couple—with God faithfully leading us to ever deeper wells of love and joy. Add in some peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control, now you have a Holy Spirit marinade— that softens, sweetens, tenderizes, infuses any and all relationships with His comfort and wise, loving presence.

Dan and I are together solely because the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His compassions never fail they are new every morning.* This, my friend, is the secret— in Him we find our way to live and love.


So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 15:6

*Lamentations 3:22-23


When the World Weeps


Cape Cod