Are We All On Trial?


The young man approached us
on the narrow sidewalk
in the darkening hour of dusk.
Stepping to the side,
I led my dog to sit.
Some people are nervous around
friendly, overly eager, sniffing dogs.
I like to give them space,
to feel safe.


He was a black man.
Gaze fixed ahead,
walking with determination.
He didn’t return my hello
or my little wave.
He did not acknowledge me at all.
And that’s ok.


I wonder how this man is doing,
in these days following the death of Daunte Wright.
Is he tired?
Wary and weary,
of friendly white women
walking their dogs?
Am I the face of racial oppression, woven into the historical cloth of this land?
Land of the free, home of the brave,
sweet land of liberty.
Inspiring words of hope,
for some but not all.
Perhaps he wonders if I’m afraid of him,
young man in the hoodie,
face covered by a mask.
So fearful, the white woman
steps off the path
creating distance from the ‘scary’ black man.
Are these the thoughts that run
unbidden, unchecked
through his adrenaline-soaked brain
on high alert?
Preparing for fight or flight,
is peace an option?
Head down, eyes forward,
blocking out the world
he creates his own safe space.

Or was he simply listening to music?
I wonder.


These days we are living,
wound up taut
with suspicion, division, tension.
Police-shooting, neck-kneeling,
cities-burning, rioting-in-the-streets
kind of days.
Are we all on trial?


Is it possible—
to find our way from here,
to each other?
To look into a stranger’s eyes and
not see doubt or fear?
Can kindness and shared hope
become our common ground?
Is it true—
we are better together?


Heavenly Father,

Empower us—
to love well,
to trust,
and be kind.
To feel compassion
for those whose lived experience
is different than our own.
Help us to listen
to the unique rhythm
of the hurting heart.
Even when we don’t understand,
may we seek to understand.
And sit—
simply, quietly sit
with the broken.
Hear the lament of a grieving mother.
Feel the sorrow of the fatherless.
May we become
each other’s safe space,
and listen to the music together.


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬




A Daddy and His Daughter