Joy to the World

Into this weeping world Jesus was born. The arrival of Light into the dark recesses of our existence. He whispers a song of comfort, of peace to the broken and hurting.

His very name, Immanuel, reassures us of His presence—God forever with us. His light with us in the darkness. His love with us—surrounding, embracing, carrying.

He came into the world and was rejected. His body beaten, abandoned. His heart broken. No one present to speak words of comfort to His sorrow.

Yet it's through His suffering that we are healed. His broken, wounded heart speaks solace, comfort, redeeming love to our broken, wounded hearts. His light sheds hope and peace into the deepest crevices of despair.

He graces us with a new song to sing, a song of celebration and praise to our Lord—this Giver who became the Gift. A song of good news that we sing with great joy, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given.” Isaiah 9:6

And so we sing, whether in sorrow or seasons of rest—“Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let Earth receive her King!”

Wishing you all the merriest Christmas.

Love, Tara


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