Wake Us Up

On this Thanksgiving weekend

of abundance—

a different kind of scene played out.

One marked by tragedy.

A man.

His search for food.

A filthy sidewalk turned to table

on a street in San Francisco.

And every American city.

The world ignores.

Turns away in discomfort,

in judgment.

But there is One who sees,

who knows

every sad,

unjust circumstance this man


that led to this point of desperate need—

to eat crumbs off a sidewalk.

On this first Sunday of Advent,

we usher in a season filled with


celebration of our

Savior’s birth.

A season of hope and light.

O come, O come, Emmanuel,

God with us.

This baby who grew to be

a man of many sorrows.

Fully acquainted with the grief

and injustice of this world.

He shows us the way of love,

how to sit and be with the forgotten.

There is no greater love

than to give

in totality

one’s life for another.

Heavenly Father,

peel away our calloused hearts.

Give us eyes to see

the brokenness that


voices that cry out

and speak up for the


hands to reach out

in kindness

in love

in mercy.

Give us opportunity.

When systems and governments fail,

may we not fail

our brothers and sisters in need.

Do not let us turn away,

or walk by.

Wake us up, Lord.

Photo cred: JJ Smith


Joy to the World


Finding Joy