The Lord Gives

I felt a bond grow with the lovely little robin family. These parents who built a home right outside my window, giving me a view into their moments. From the beautiful blue of their eggs — to four gaping mouths eagerly open for some wormy goodness. Oh these parents were diligent in every way. I'm certainly not an ornithologist, but as a mother — I thought they were the best!

The Lord gives.

That Minnesota spring was wet, wet — and then more wet. The Lord gives us all kinds of things. That year He gave us days upon days of cold, rainy weather. Relentless rain. I watched with admiration as these parents puffed their feathers up and spread their wings wide to keep their babies warm and dry. Without hesitation, they steadfastly gathered food in a waterlogged land. Their determination seemed to have no limits as they fought for the survival of their small family.

And the Lord takes away.

One of the brood began to struggle until there was no movement at all. They removed him from the nest, focusing all their energy upon the three remaining. The nest, so saturated with water the branch upon which it nestled began to bow under its weight. By evening they all looked weary and forlorn, but still resolute. Through the night and the next day the rain continued. When I came home that afternoon, there was no movement in the nest. Rain soaked, soggy stillness. Mama and Papa perched close by, standing guard perhaps — not ready to move on. Glancing at the nest, as I was, they searched for signs of life.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I’m thankful to this robin family for allowing me the joy of their presence. To see the hand of the Creator at work in this world that we share is a beautiful thing to behold. We all have been fearfully and wonderfully made, each of our young is known and cared for by our Heavenly Father. In this current season of springtime new beginnings, I wish the very best to all our avian friends and their little bird families. May they soar high on feathered wings with the Lord's hand guiding their way — and may the warmth of the sun shine upon them, with plump, juicy worms in abundant supply. ☀️🐛🐦


The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job 1:21b CSB

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Luke‬ ‭12:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Thoughts on Grace

