Tara Clark Tara Clark

A New Dawn

Recovery Month 2021. Reflecting on our family’s journey of recovery…

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Tara Clark Tara Clark


It’s been twenty years. Do we remember the lessons?

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

Could It Be True?

Some mock. Many doubt. But—what if it's true? What if prayer really is the God-given means to connect with the Creator of the Universe?

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Tara Clark Tara Clark


In the midst of the hard have you been surprised by God’s grace? By unexpected splashes of His joy? A splash in my life has been a puppy named Lacey, my help during a time of great struggle…

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

My Dad

Feeling reflective and thankful for each year that I am gifted with this man…my dad. 

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

We Say Your Names

For three children in Minneapolis, shot and killed or severely injured, all within three weeks. For all the innocents across this nation, caught in the crossfire of escalating crime. We say your names.

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

Thoughts on Grace

To the struggling young man who was searching for truth — wherever it is, wherever it would lead…

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

The Lord Gives

The year a robin family made their home outside my window. Joy and sorrow — the journey of all God’s creatures.

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Tara Clark Tara Clark


From the ashes of this burning year—we find each other. Could the lasting legacy of George Floyd’s life and death be a deeper respect for all humanity? “It takes more than one person to bring about peace - it takes all of us.” Rosa Parks

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

Are We All On Trial?

Another day, another walk with my dog, a random encounter with a young man passing on the sidewalk. In these contentious times, I wonder what he’s thinking.

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

A Daddy and His Daughter

Our experience as a transracial family in America. It’s been good…and sometimes hard, but mostly, oh so good.

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

Farm Girl

My thoughts and advice for a seventeen-year-old farm girl. If given the opportunity, what would you say to your younger self?

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

Pausing to Remember

Pausing to remember — three young men and the February events that profoundly changed their lives.

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Tara Clark Tara Clark


When the doodles of our past bring hope to our todays. 

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

Aggressive Love

He (Jesus) knew that the old eye-for-eye philosophy would leave everyone blind. He did not seek to overcome evil with evil. He overcame evil with good. Although crucified by hate, He responded with aggressive love.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Tara Clark Tara Clark

When the World’s On Fire

As the very pillars of our nation seem to shake, what steps do we take, which direction do we go, to move forward? Hope for today from a voice in the past…

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Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. I’m thrilled you’re here, but more than a little bummed that we’re not sitting across from each other, coffee mugs warming our hands, meeting each other properly. My hope, is that we’ll get to know one another through our conversation on this blog. In a world that is churning with division, let’s talk…let’s encourage…let’s learn…let’s enjoy each other’s differences. Because honestly, it’s our differences that make life spicy—interesting, unique, and oh so tasty! No pressure here to conform. Really!!

speak it. spark it. light the fuse of inspiration, of love.